90% of vape producers not meeting environmental regulations

Media release, 7 March 2023

  • Sales of disposable single-use vapes are now around 138 million per annum*
  • For all the disposable single-use vapes sold in the UK this would be equivalent to providing the lithium in the batteries for over 2,500 electric vehicles in the UK.* 
  • The amount of copper contained inside a vape, would provide enough copper to power more than 370,000 home electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.*
  • The cost of recycling all the disposable single-use vapes bought in the UK could be up to £69 million per annum 

*Calculations produced by Material Focus and Financial Times based upon data from EuroMonitor and ECigIntelligence

New analysis conducted by Material Focus, the not for profit leading the recycle your electricals campaign, has indicated that 90% of the smaller vape and vape juice producers in the UK seem to be failing to comply with environmental regulations. And the larger vape producers and importers, who have only recently registered, are not covering the true costs of collection and recycling as vapes are falling under normal small electricals rather than their own special category.  Sales of disposable single-use vapes are now around 138 million per annum with millions of them thrown away every week.  Last year Material Focus research identified that at least 1.3 million disposable vapes are littered and binned each week. Vapes contain a range of precious materials, including lithium and copper, which when thrown away the materials are lost forever.  

The analysis, which examined the company records of over 150 of the most significant vape and vape juice producers in the UK, identified that only 16 had registered to comply with environmental regulations for producer responsibility for waste electricals, portable batteries, and packaging. And yet all of the companies that were identified via Material Focus’s analysis had become a member of a vape industry trade association such as the UKVIA or IBVTA and also registered their products with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).  

The companies identified have not registered with UK environment agencies  for various environmental regulations which mandate that they contribute to the costs of recycling of the products and packaging they sell when they reach their end of life. Companies must register as a producer annually, depending on how many electricals they sell. Less than 5 tonnes per year companies are required to register with their environmental regulator as a small producer. Or for  more than 5 tonnes per year – pay to join a Producer Compliance Scheme (PCS) who will take on the companies obligations to finance the collection, treatment, recovering and disposal of WEEE. 

Material Focus analysis has also identified that if all of the 138 million disposable single-use vapes that are bought in the UK per annum were financed to be recycled, as they should be by these producers, this would cost the producers up to £69 million per annum. At the end of last year Material Focus produced a briefing paper that sets out the environmental responsibilities of vape producers and retailers which has been widely shared across the industry. 

Scott Butler, Executive Director of Material Focus said: “Disposable single-use vapes are a quadruple environmental threat – losing critical raw materials, the impact of hazardous waste, fire risk and the loss of plastics. The environmental responsibilities of vape producers are very clear. Any company that is producing significant quantities of electrical items is required to register, report their sales and finance the cost of their product being recycled. Retailers are also responsible for ensuring that it’s easy for their customers to recycle these products by providing recycling drop off points in their stores. 

“It is shocking that it seems that the majority of the smaller vape producers in the UK aren’t complying with these long-standing environmental regulations. And for those larger producers that have only recently registered, they need to bear the full costs of collecting and recycling these complex to recycle products which may mean paying significantly higher fees than they are currently paying. As sales and profits have boomed the environmental impacts and costs of collecting and recycling waste vapes have been disregarded. 

“We are calling on disposable single-use vape consumers to put pressure on retailers to make it possible for them to drop off their vapes in store. Vape producers, importers and retailers need to be held to account, and step up to the plate by making sure that we do not lose the precious materials contained inside these vapes. Anything with a plug, battery or cable can be recycled. To find your nearest recycling point please search “recycle your electricals”, and you will find many household recycling centres will receive vapes and all your other old electricals to be recycled.”

Disposable single-use vapes have a wide range of environmental impacts – the toxic materials contained in the pods such as nicotine liquid, they also contain some of the most precious materials on our planet such as lithium, and copper which are being lost forever when thrown away. Each disposable single-use contains on average 0.15g of lithium and according to GAP Group (electricals recycling company) on average 50 cms or 1.9g of copper cable.  Vapes as they contain lithium also present a fire risk if they are disposed of incorrectly –  over 700 fires are caused by the incorrect disposal of electricals, with hidden batteries, including vapes. 

According to calculations produced by Material Focus and Financial Times based upon data from EuroMonitor and ECigIntelligence for all the disposable single-use vapes sold in the UK this would be equivalent to providing the batteries for over 2,500 electric car batteries in the UK.  The amount of copper contained inside a disposable vape, would provide enough copper to power over 370,000 home EV charging stations.  

Last year Material Focus conducted research that identified that 1.3 million disposable (single-use) vapes are thrown away every week, per annum this is enough to cover 22 football pitches.  The number of vapes thrown away are contributing to the fastest growing waste stream in the UK with over 155,000 tonnes of electrical waste thrown away every year and 527 million electrical items hoarded in UK homes. The research was carried out as part of an investigation with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 

For more information on how to recycle vapes, and to find your nearest recycling point please visit www.recycleyoureletricals.org.uk


For media enquiries please contact kate@materialfocus.org.uk mobile 07714 708416

Research – The research was conducted by Opinium.  The sample size was 4,000 UK adults aged 18+ and research was run from 17th to 19th May 2022. Results were sent to a nationally representative sample and are also weighted to nationally representative figures of age, gender and region (taken from the ONS) to further ensure a nationally representative makeup.

About Material Focus and the Recycle Your Electricals campaign 

“Material Focus is a not-for-profit organisation whose goal is to stop the nation throwing away or hoarding all their old small electricals. Material Focus is delivering the UK-wide Recycle Your Electricals campaign. The campaign is revealing the value hidden in electricals and is making it easier for us all to recycle and reuse the small electricals we no longer need by providing more recycling points as well as providing practical information on how households can reuse and recycle.

The campaign is funded by producers of electrical appliances which pays for a range of activities, including communications, behaviour change activities, increased recycling projects and research. Ultimately the aim is to support actions that will help the UK increase the levels of reuse and recycling of waste electricals.”

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